Thursday 12 September 2013

Science temperature and facts

Vapor has 536/537 K cal more heat per gram than water.

Bike riders always use convex lenses.
At the time of shaving we use concave lenses.

Full form of LASER = Light Amplification by stimulated emission of Radiation.

-459*6*F / -273*16*c temperature is Absolute Zero.

For soft solder we use Sn and Pb.
For hard solder we use Cu and Zn.

Physical science facts

Ballistics is a kind of science study that deals with Rocket launching Speed.

If a Airplane goes at 1000 mile/hr then we can not able to hear the sound of the plane

because the speed of plane is more than the air.

The distance between moon and earth is 3,82,176 km.

The diameter of earth = The diameter of moon x 4